LiveCommerce, LiveShopping in Japan

LiveCommerce, LiveShopping in Japan


March 21, 2022    
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


[BIJ Event] Monday 3/21 12pm JST~ | 1pm AEST
8pm PST | 11pm EDT | 3am BST | 4am CET | 8:30am IST

LiveCommerce, LiveShopping in Japan

Join Viktor Chan as we discuss just what LiveCommerce or LiveShopping is, how it’s evolving, and it’s unsteady growth in Japan.

Presented by Business In Japan on LinkedIn and Clubhouse Club!

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WHAT: LiveCommerce, LiveShopping in Japan
WHEN: Monday, March 21st, 2022, 12pm to 1:30pm~ JST
JOIN THE ROOM: (tap to enter/save to calendar/hear replay)

Clubhouse is a smartphone only (there is also a 3rd party Computer app called Clubdeck too), Audio-only Social Media platform & ‘replays’ are now possible! Check the BIJ Club Replays Tab, or at the bottom of speakers Clubhouse Profiles. The Event link also plays the event audio during & after it has finished, in any browser!

Connect with:
Jason on LinkedIn
Business In Japan Group on LinkedIn