Business In Japan x Tokyo Business Meetup – Winter Business Mixer

Business In Japan X Tokyo Business Meetup Winter Business Mixer !!**
James Gibbs runs the Tokyo Business Meetup, and I run Business In Japan, and we’re going to do some joint casual mixer events together! Come along to this one, come in out of the Winter cold and enjoy meeting GoodPeople interested in Japan, Business, and our professional lives here.
Bogomil Rashkov runs Sofiastar and is assisting us with events. He is a Bulgarian wine importer and distributor who seeks to increase the knowledge of Bulgaria in Japan. Just like last time Bogomil and Sofiastar are going to organise a door prize and the winner will walk away with a bottle of Bulgarian white wine!
WHAT: Business In Japan x Tokyo Business Meetup – Winter Business Mixer
WHEN: Thursday, February 22, 2017, 7:30pm to 10:30pm
VENUE: Australian Bar Quest in Roppongi
ADDRESS: No. 2 Rena Bldg. 3F, 5-3-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
WHERE: On the back side street behind the main Roppongi drag, next to Brew Dog, which is next to the parking lot, which is next to the Hard Rock cafe
GoogleMap Link:
FOOD: Dinner buffet provided (There will be lots! Rumours of Pizza, Veggies, fresh Fruit an Pies!)
DRINKS: 1 drink included (and then cash bar with happy hour menu for the event)
PRICE: JPY2,000 /per person
Please be sure to RSVP or un-RSVP/Cancel with notice if necessary, so that we can order the right amount of food for the number of guests who will be coming.