BIJ 2024 Member Survey

We Need Your Input!

Introducing the Future BIJ Membership Program: Please Share your Valuable Feedback!

We’re developing a new BIJ Membership program and want your feedback to design membership benefits that meet your needs. Please take our short survey to share your thoughts on community aspects valued and potential features.

Your insights will play a key role in finalizing this program to further support our valued community for GoodPeople interested in Japan and a professional life in or related to Japan.

Simply click ‘Start’ below and you can edit your answers before submitting. Thank you for being a member and helping shape the future of BIJ!

Responses contribute to making BIJ membership and the community of more value to members, and are protected by our Privacy Policy. Help us improve, it only takes a 4 or 5 minutes!

Can’t find what you need?

Let us know what area of doing business in or from Japan you’re interested in, or need help with and we’ll get back to you with an answer, advice or an introduction.