Freelance Websites like Upwork, in Japan
This post I originally wrote on LinkedIn publishing here. If you have any other sites or comments on the list you can comment on the LinkedIn post.
Whether searching for Freelancers in Japan for a Project, or you’re a Freelancer/ potential Freelancer in Japan looking for ways to find work, these are some sites as of February 2018 that you could take a look at.
Crowdworks – 日本最大級のクラウドソーシング「クラウドワークス
Lancers ランサーズ – 仕事をフリーランスに発注できるクラウドソーシング
Freelancer フリーランサーを探す
Crowdtech クラウドテック
GeechsJob ギークスジョブ
IT kyūjin Nabi IT求人ナビ – ITフリーエンジニア案件数No.1サイト
Levtech レバテック フリーランス
Coconala – みんなの得意を売り買い
Workshift Solutions
Gengo – Translation
Sagoo 在宅ワーク,記事作成サービス,副業 – Writing/Writers… Sagoo Platinum – 日本最大級のライティング特化型サービス – Japan’s largest Specialized Writing Service
PE-BANK 求人サイト フリーランスの案件
Truelancer– Hire Freelancers in Japan and Experts
And of course… Upwork (Japan link) Hire Upwork Freelancers and Freelance Japan Jobs
Worth checking out also is Craigslist Tokyo and Craigslist maintains seven other Japan location based sites including: fukuoka | hiroshima | nagoya | okinawa | osaka | sapporo | sendai
Do you know of any more sites focusing on Freelancing in Japan?
Please share them in the comments below.
And if you want to be a Freelancer in Japan you might find these links of interest:
Freelancing in Tokyo: Revised and Updated (available on Amazon, in both print and digital versions) was written to help people who either want to come to Tokyo and live/work for a while or who are already here and hoping to expand their horizons.
Freelancing in Japan – The All-In-One Guide | Live Work Play Japan
I’m Jason, Australian, a ‘fixer’ & people connector – your Japan concierge… living and working in Japan since 2003.
I run the Business In Japan group on LinkedIn, one of the oldest groups (10 years old, Feb. 2018) and the largest group on LinkedIn related to Japan and Business, with over 55,000 members. The supporting BIJ Blog features Contributions from the Business in Japan Community.
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